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Hola family

Hello my dear friends and family.

What a great blessing it is to be writing you from this tiny little internet cafe in the lovely city of Callao with a beautiful black nametag secured over my heart.

Life is good. Reeeeeal good.

It’s hard to separate all the experiences that happened in my mind.

I’ll try my best.

Something funny,

it’s hard being a Sabbath day holy keeping poor missionary.

On Sunday we had no food

and lots of hunger.

We literally had two old stale pieces of bread,

an egg,

and a little bit of milk,

and a spoonful of sugar.

We put our brains together and came up with the fabulous idea of bread pudding

which then evolved into fried bread pudding.

Even better.


The other day I ate fried squid as well.

It was quite good actually.

A little chewy.

La Punta is basically Pokemon central.

There are so many people that just come here to hunt Pokemon.

Sometimes I feel like I’m in a movie.

There are just people running in circles with their faces in their phones.


I have had people open their door to me in their pajamas, half dressed, in a towel, but never in a full body wet suit until Tuesday. It was horrible. I didn’t know where to look. I actually wanted him to close the door. So uncomfortable.


Zone Conference

The zone leaders seem to think we are still sister training leaders.

They asked us to do some training in zone conference (we basically did it all)

but it was actually really fun.

We did practices with a group of fresh legged elders

18 years old, learning Spanish and hot out of the CCM.

It was a blast.

I love being with new missionaries

and it was fun to still be able to do trainings :).

In the afternoon we headed to Santa Marina.

It was a great adventure!

We had contacted a woman in La Punta who lived in Santa Marina

so we thought, 'how perfect,' and set off to find her

and we did!

It was so great!

She was so prepared!

And she referred us to her friend that lives across the street

so we visited her as well.

And we shared a message with her and her son

and she introduced us to her neighbor

all in like an hour! It was incredible.

It’s great to see how the Lord places people in our paths!


Hermana Correa had a self-reliance training to get ready to go home

so I had intercambios with Hermana Clark a new missionary from Bountiful.

There are 7 hermanas going home this transfer,

hermanas that I really love.

It’s sad to see them go.

Four of them have been my companions.

It’s crazy.

And the saddest part is there aren’t many new sisters coming in.

The numbers are going down.

Dear young women,

Please consider a serving a mission.

It is the greatest decision you can make.

The Lord needs you!

I can’t remember the rest of the week really...

brain block.

Sunday was crazy!! We were all over the place

going back and forth from La Punta to Santa Marina and all around.


And we had a GREAT lesson with S. (the woman we contacted in La Punta but lives in SM).

The best part was at the end when we asked her what she felt about the experience we had shared about Joseph Smith. She thought about it for a second then looked us in the eye and said, "I really think that boy was a prophet of God."

OH YES HE WAS and how grateful I am for it.

And all the blessings in my life because of it.

I hope you have a happy week


Hermana Anderson

OHHHHHH!! and a special shout out to the Primary!

Thank you so much for the letters and the sweets!

I loved reading each letter!

To answer some of your questions:

The spiciest food I have eaten: stuffed riccotto.

What’s it like being a missionary?: It’s the greatest, like eating ice cream for breakfast, BUT BETTER! Is it fun?: If you do it right.

What type of wild animals are there here?: Well.. basically just pigeons and white people....

Thank you to all who take the time to write

even if I don’t respond.... sorry,

but it does make me so, so happy!

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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