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So here’s the story.

I think in my last email I explained that I had transfers.

I don’t really remember.


There haven’t been sisters in the Callao zone for more than 20 years

until three months ago.

They found a little bubble for sisters,

La Punta.

It’s a tiny little peninsula.


Every morning we go running along the beach.

There is no worry of stepping in dog poo.

A piece of cake costs at least 9 soles.

Our internet place is playing worldly music and it’s really hard to concentrate sorry...

La Punta is really Catholic and there hasn’t been much progress here

and since the number of missionaries is dropping President doesn’t want missionaries in sectors that aren’t so successful.


They want sisters in Santa Marina,

but here’s the deal;

the stake president is worried that if one day we just show up in the streets they might kill us.


Well, maybe not.

But for our safety they want the transition to be gradual.

So this transfer Hermana Correa and I are working half in La Punta and half in Santa Marina (unofficially) so that our street friends get used to seeing us.

So this is Hermana Correa’s last transfer.

We are very excited to be together for round 2.

We’re going to celebrate our birthdays together woooo!

She’s the best.

It’s fun to be here in Callao because the members love us.


they are soooo excited to have sisters. I feel like a celebrity.

I met someone this week who had actually heard of Michigan.

He lived in Detroit

and was drunk.

“Excuse me lady! I love Detroit! So beautiful! Beautiful city!”

Nobody believes me when I tell them (in Spanish) that I speak Spanish.

They all speak to my companion and tell her to tell me, hahah.

Our Pensionista’s grandson is in love with me

and I kid you not.

The problem is he’s only 6.

But it’s scary...

We met a lot of great people this week.

We were just doing some street contacting and we handed a card to a woman

and she said,

“Oh, I was just talking to my daughter today about how she wants to strengthen her relationship with God right now. Do you think you could talk to her right now?”


So we did.

She’s great.

So prepared.

An answer to our prayers.

20 years old and lives by herself in a tiny little room.

It always amazes me how they can fit so many people into such tiny spaces in Lima

Things are great!

I am happy.

I am excited for my Callao adventure

and grateful that the President trusts us to do something a little (lot) out of the ordinary,


It’s great.

"Be cheerful in all that you do. Live joyfully. Live happily. Live enthusiastically, knowing that God does not dwell in gloom and melancholy, but in light and love." —Ezra Taft Benson



i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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