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It's a big one (one)

MONDAY: Had studies with Hermana Sanchez and Hermana Scarlett. Helped me reflect on a few things. We studied prayer and talked about how God answers our prayers. This I know to be true. Heavenly Father Listens. Isn’t that incredible? He who knows all, sees all, is all, listens to your and my prayers. Every time. And not just listens, but responds. We just need to learn to have eyes to see his answers.

Finally, after 5 weeks, took a nap. It was beautiful. Thank you for asking.

Sorry to many. I have been really slack in responding to emails lately. But I have repented and will do better. Thank you to those who take the time to write. I read and appreciate every email.

There’s this incredible thing about the mission, when you sit in someone’s house and you get to know them and their needs and then you listen to the Spirit and for a second it’s like everything around you stops and words come out of your mouth that you could not have placed there and you just want nothing more than for the person across from you to open their heart and make place for them. Those are the tiny moment I live for.

TUESDAY: It’s good to have a day full of walking every once in a while, helps you remember that these things don’t just come free.

Some things about Peru:

  1. People seen to celebrate everything. There are fireworks every night. And when there aren’t fireworks there are gunshots. But that’s a story for another day.

  2. It’s completely normal to have your 2-year-old on your motorcycle with you. And even if they made helmets for babies, I don’t think they’d use them.

  3. A typical street contact usually consists of sharing a principle and an invitation and after 2 minutes of conversation, kissing them on the cheek before leaving. (I’m still getting used to this.)

L. sent us a message saying she didn’t want to get baptized Saturday.

WEDNESDAY: Divisions with Hermana Yegros. Miss that one. We had a lesson with a less active who was taking pictures of me while I prayed, we contacted a man who kindly offered to take me for a ride anytime I want, and I ate a donut. I’s say I won.

We had a nice lesson with an interesting family. We’ll see how that goes.

THURSDAY: Exchanges with Hermana Doppe. That was great. I almost felt like I was with Sarah the whole time. We had some good contacts. It was a lot of fun. Every other person asked us what we were doing outside, told us we should not be here and to go back inside. Good thing we’re protected.

FRIDAY: We had a special training with President and Sister Larson about the new missionary guidelines. Apparently our mission is one of the missions that has been approved to wear pants. But we’re still waiting for more instruction. I think I might just die if I have to wear granny pants.

Some good lessons. One with O. and her son. We talked about the Restoration. It was really great. And the Spirit was really strong. And you could see they felt it. And O. would get all into it and then get scared and say something like, “but in my church.” One step at a time we can help you resolve your doubts. But first you gotta pray and you gotta ask and we’ll go from there.

Sometimes you just sit there in someone’s house and you’re on this spiritual high and you just think, “accept this or don’t accept this, this is the greatest. Can’t you just see how much Heavenly Father loves you?”

SATURDAY: Unfortunately, not every moment can be great. There must needs be opposition in all things, it seems. We hit a few road blocks.

  1. Some problems with A.

  2. L. fell off the face of the earth

Something that I never realized is how hard it is when the church is new. The leaders and members are just trying to figure out how to make it all work, which leaves some struggles. Basically we’re having some ward struggles.

SUNDAY: Good day.

I taught some piano to an old woman who has had some sort of brain damage or memory loss, I don’t know. She wanted to learn the piano because she used to love music. It was sweet (as in tender).

J. came to church and went to a fireside for youth and their parents. Even though he is 24. He is trying so hard to change. That’s one of my favorite things. Seeing people change. But really change. You should see this guy. You would never guess.

All in all things are going pretty well. I’m happy. Working hard. Time is starting to go a lot faster which I never thought I’s be saying. But it feels just like yesterday President called me. Can’t believe I’ve been in Peru for 11 months. Which doesn’t sound like much until you think how I only have 7 left. Which we’re not going to think about. Mejor me quedo aqui. Gracias. Pero les amo y les extrano. [I better stay here. Thank you. But I love and miss them.]


Hermana Anderson

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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