Let me just apologize from the start for the poor quality of this letter. There just hasn’t been enough time fortunately for good reasons this time around.
Monday night President called in the middle of a lesson. Told me to pack my bags because I was going to RIMAC with Hermana Cachani (12 months out from Bolivia)
to be a Hermana Capacitadora. I don’t really remember the rest of the phone call or what I said. I basically just sat there in shock.
Fast forward a few days.
Now I’m in Rimac. Very different than my last sectors. All my previous sectors have been fairly wealthy, this … not so much. We are the only hermanas in the zone. I am the only gringo in the district (makes me very self-conscious).
I am a sister trainer leader of 10 hermanas, the majority of whom have more time than I. Basically, I feel very unqualified. But it’s the best. Not a spare moment. So many things happening that I remember nothing.
We’ve met some great people. Had some good lessons. I’m learning and growing. My companion is great.
There’s a lot of work to be done. Happy for all the new experiences that are headed my way. I’ll tell ya’ll more about it all next week.
Hermana Anderson
AND CONGRATS to Sammer. Can’t believe you’re all grown up. Couldn’t be happier for you. Welcome to the family Summer. I always wanted a sister :)