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3 missionaries, 2 sectors, 1 message

MONDAY: We went to Cata Cumbas. That place never gets old. It’s weird doing this more than once on the mission because as I was there I was just thinking about how I remember doing the same thing when I didn’t even have 4 months in the mission and now I almost have 9. But it feels like it was just yesterday. Time is weird.

We had a lesson with this kid H. He’s 19 and studies in DC. We taught the lesson half in Spanish half in English. I couldn’t really tell where one stopped and the other started. It was strange. I was really worried at first because he told us he was agnostic and that his professor taught him that he shouldn’t pray to God, because he can’t “know” that he exists and that instead he should pray to himself because that’s all he can really be sure of. And that he just believes in the universe and opportunities. I couldn’t really think of a polite way to respond to that, so instead we talked about the Book of Mormon. I thought, “you need evidence, well here it is.” In the end it actually went really well and he accepted to read it. Cool experience.

Then we had a lesson with G. who is great. But when we teach him, his dad is always there and my word does that man have a lot of questions, which is great and all but he really gets off the pic and takes the Spirit with him.

TUESDAY: An interesting day … Spent a lot of time with President and Sister Larson. Sister Larson was talking to Hermana Owen and me for quite a while and in that time quoted my three favorite movies to quote. We’re kindred spirits. Yes, she quoted Nacho Libre.

We had a lesson with P.

Choir practice.

We went to go visit Hermana V. and I could tell there was something up. Turns out she was moving (running away) that night and wasn’t coming back. I just about started crying right there. I had cried with this woman and for her. I had prayed with her and prayed for her and then just like that gone. My heart broke just a little.

Lunch consisted of a giant bowl of soup and then a chicken leg. Some strange cut of beef, a potato, a yam, an egg, cabbage and yucca. A real smorgishbord. We fortunately had to take most of it to go and I left it with the elders in the office.

WEDNESDAY: Had a really good zone meeting. Talked about humility and how we can be sure that our light is shining. #obedience. An obedient missionary is a happy missionary.

Spanish update: I am now using a Spanish/English dictionary to look up phrases in English that I can only remember in Spanish.

Fun fact about Peru: Not sure if I already mentioned this but people literally mop their sidewalks here. Gets me everytime.

So today when we came home to drop off all our things we found that our mirror had fallen and shattered everywhere. A disaster. But the real problem was the bad luck. After that the whole day was a wreck. But hey, still happy.

Highlight of the day: We contacted this man and halfway through the conversation he asked me “you espeaka espanish?” And I was like, “buddy, I ‘ve been speaking to you for the last five minutes, in Spanish.”

THURSDAY: I can’t remember really.

FRIDAY: We had a lesson with E. finally. Her husband was there as well which made things a little … different. But it was good.

We had another lesson with H. So interesting. Really cool. We answered a lot of questions he had. Asked about how he felt reading and praying and everything and he said he felt normal mostly, just really “chill.” I just kept having this thought, “he knows” he’s just trying to find evidence though. So I told him you know that you know you’re just having an eternal battle with yourself to justify it all. He said, “you’re right, it’s like you read my mind” (or it’s the Spirit). But it’s fun. I don’t know if that’s the right word…

Did some other things.

SATURDAY: We became trio-ized. 3 missionaries – 2 sectors – 1 message. These next four weeks are going to be busy as we try and balance 2 very large sectors and training and everything else we have to do. Pray for us.

It was really sunny out

But Hermana Yegros is great, so I’m happy to have her with us. She’s a good worker.

SUNDAY: Hermana Owen was sick. But there was a stake fireside for the 174th anniversary of the Relief Society. So we went with two investigators and one of our menos actives. Also they asked me to play the piano for the choir, but somehow failed to mention that Elder Uceda was going to be there… But it was good, unfortunately we had to leave before the cake.

Things are busy here but good. Time is starting to pass faster. There aren’t enough hours in the day any more. But I’m happy. Being a missionary makes me happy. Hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my soulsister and partner in crime, Sarah! Keep on keepin it real. Enjoy 21 :) Love you all!


Hermana Anderson

P.S. I’m currently accepting all donations of Reese’s eggs and Sweetheart jellybeans. :)

"And now, if the Lord has such great power and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should [build a ship]" - insert whatever it is the Lord has asked you) - 1 Nephi 17: 51 #ponderize

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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