I know my letters have been a little bland lately so I thought it was about time to mix things up! This week has been one of a kind. Definitely a hard one, you know the kind where you’re tempted to say, “What am I doing here? Why did I sign up for this and when does it get easy?” Well that was this week or at least the beginning.
MONDAY: I’m just going to skip Monday because it seems so insignificant now. But it was a good, happy day.
TUESDAY: We were just going about our normal morning routine, doing our studies and all when we received a phone call from our zone leaders. They said we were having an emergency cambio, that I would be leaving and that I had 3 hours to pack my suitcases. And that was all. We just stared at each other. And then we watched as all our hopes and dreams came crashing down around us. Okay maybe that’s dramatic, but still.
We packed my bags in 40 minutes. We sat on the floor and ate a liter of ice cream (tres leche of course) in a typical morning fashion before relocating to the bed where we laughed and cried as we waited for the hermanas to come.
It was actually kinda rough. I felt like I was leaving home again, packing my bags and saying goodbye to my loved ones except then I had 4 months to prepare, this time 4 hours. We had been hoping and praying we would be able to stay together for Christmas and everyone was like, “No way. Trios never last.” And then we did which was wonderful. But then four days later the trifecta was split. We should have been more specific in asking.
So now I’m back in Peru in a place called Pueblo Libre. And where I once had an elevator, I now have a shower that shocks. And where I once had my own bathroom, I now have a toilet without a seat. Where I once had two companions (who both spoke English, I might add), I now have one. Her name is Hermana Sanchez from Columbia, time in the mission = 8 months , age= 22, convert of 5 years. From what I can tell, she likes dogs and Jell-O. She’s been in PL for almost 6 months, which means this is probably her last transfer here. So I gotta learn fast.
The rest of the day I don’t remember much; visited some people, almost died of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion by the end. But it seems I’m still alive, so that’s good.
WEDNESDAY: Reunions, luckily. I was welcomed by familiar faces. Hermana Scarlett and Hermana Johnson share a ward in the zone. Let me just say, it was much needed. They were the first and only ones to tell me even a bit of what was going on. But it was good. I’ve now just about made it around the whole mission at 6 months, so that’s exciting.
We did a lot of walking. Seems like not much has happened here lately partially because Hermana Sanchez had chicken pox for 2 weeks and wasn’t allowed to leave the house.
And Happy Birthday Dad! Sorry I wasn’t there to celebrate it with you, but I promise I’ll be there for the next one! :)
THURSDAY: Happy New Year’s Eve! We did this and that, visited him and her. Nobody wants to let us in. They all say come back after vacations, which is all of January. This month is going to be rough. It’s a bad mix. Summer vacation with means everyone is at the beach and we’re left in the streets to fry. :)
We had permission again to stay out til 12:30 at a member’s house (I almost died again). But from her 11th story window we were able to see the fireworks over the whole city. It was amazing. That’s something I will never forget. WOW.
FRIDAY: 2016. I still can’t believe it. 2015 was quite a year. A year ago I had no idea what the year had in store for me. And I definitely had no idea that I would find myself in Peru. But I’m pretty sure I’ve learned more in this year than any other year of my life. I’ve learned more about myself, my purpose and Heavenly Father’s plan for me. I’ve had some of the hardest moments of my life and the happiest. And although I miss the people I love the most, I’m happy to be able to spend the next 360 days here in Peru. :)
We visited this woman who is a member, but has some struggles and several parrots. She wanted to know if you can give blessings of health for parrots and other animals.
It was P-day. So we headed to the beach as a zone and then to eat at the mall (which took me back to the good ol’ Santa Cruz, :( ). Yeah it was a bad day for that. Being the first and all, everyone else and their dog was there as well. And everyone in Peru has at least one dog, I swear.
Remember that one time in Mexico when we were on the beach and I was just a little youngin and that dog started chasing me and I was horrified and running and crying, I’m sure? Yeah, that’s about how I feel every day, except without Mom and Sam laughing at me. Bueno. Long story short, it was a bad day for the beach.
SATURDAY: The sun. My word. It’s so hot here. I’ve got a farmer’s tan/burn like no other, my fingers, my wrist, my arms, my neck, my feet. I’m stripped, striped? The one that means I have lines all over me not the one that means I’m naked.
Anywho. We had a lesson with this less active woman. It was cool. I love it when you can almost physically see the Spirit working inside someone. It was amazing to see how she changed from when she first opened the door and when we left. I love being able to bring a little bit of peace and comfort to people’s lives. Well I guess it’s not really me, it’s the Spirit and the gospel and all that that do. But I love being part of it.
SUNDAY: I saw Hermana Altamirano (my teacher from the CCM) at church. She lives in the Pueblo Libre ward, but is moving today. But it was so much fun to see her and be able to talk to her. That was 6 months ago!
But the ward here is great. The leaders are very supportive. I was really amazed by the ward council as well. It actually works! And that just helps make Sunday a much more pleasant experience. I’m looking forward to being a part of this ward.
Here’s a story for ya’ll. I was just walking in the street, minding my own business, trying to do my missionary thing when all of the sudden I felt something weird. I look down at my hand, then up, then back down at my hand. Some stupid pigeon thought it would be funny to poop on my hand. It was awful. So I’ll add that to my list of things Satan controls - the water, the mail, the traffic and now pigeons. I should have known.
This week’s been long, good, but long. My companion and I get along great which is a real relief. I’m out of the Santa Cruz rut. Although I do miss my Santa Cruz peeps. But I’m ready for this new challenge, new sector and most of all, new year!
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Hermana Anderson
Alma 37: 44-47 The path to eternal bliss is simple, “Look to God and live.” I encourage you all to examine where you stand on this path and if you’re not where you’d like to be, take this opportunity of the new year to find your way back. “Do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way.”