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Hermana Kate Update

MONDAY: Just my normal work day. We saw some dog in a window so we started barking at it, then this HUGE one popped out and tried to kill us. We ran away. But I learned my lesson not to molest. (Do we use that word for that in English? That’s what it is in Spanish.) Anyways don’t molest dogs.

We had this Noche de Hogar with this menos activa couple and you know what? He interprets dreams,crazy right? Unfortunately I can’t remember my dreams, so it’s all still a mystery.

TUESDAY: A rough day. It was very long and very hot. We had a full day planned to find out that everyone decided to cancel on us or forget about us. But I’m trying to stay positive.

We had a strange visit from this elderly woman in the ward. At the end she gave a five minute prayer/testimony. I almost fell asleep. Kid you not. I almost wet my skirt like 5 times from laughing so hard though. Luckily Hermana Sanchez and I have fun, that’s all I can say about that.

If anyone has any ideas for finding investigators that does not consist of asking members for references please let men know. I don’t want to say I’m desperate, but…

WEDNESDAY: P-day! We had Mexican food at Peru’s one and only Mexican restaurant. Took a nap (lay in bed and contemplate life) and went to the Parque de las aguas, which is this really cool park full of fountains and at night they light up and everything. Pretty crazy. There was also a group of what looked like 20 year monks on a field trip. Lima really is a strange place.

THURSDAY: We were able to find a lot more people to visit. We asked a lot of members for references. Not much success. I think it’s a kinda what goes around comes around situation.

Our pensionista gave us mondonga (cow stomach). I about got on the next flight out of Peru. I’m getting pretty good at just swallowing it whole. I only gaged once. Oh how I miss your cooking mom.

We were contacting this man in the street, who was very nice but it turns out he can’t hear very well. He thought I was inviting him to play soccer. And when Hermana Sanchez tried to repeat, all he said was, “Sorry I don’t have any music.” It was all pretty funny.

Speaking of funny, we were dancing the Macarena while waiting at one woman’s door when Hermana Sanchez fell on the ground laughing and then had a little accident. I don’t know what the deal is with my companions.

And for dinner Hermana Sanchez made some putacones, or something like that, these Columbian somethings. I don’t know, but it was good. Ima have to have her teach me Columbian cooking.

FRIDAY: We went searching for old investigators (I’m mixing languages, I never thought this would happen to ME!) without much success. We thought we found a miracle family, but it doesn’t seem quite so anymore. We shall see. There’s still hope. There’s always hope.

We found a couple of odd people in the street, like any good day. One woman wanted to know why God wasn’t giving her a husband when she keeps praying for one. (She’s at least 65.) She also told us about how she left the evangelical church because she was coveting the priest and all sorts of things I didn’t need to hear.

SATURDAY: Not much happened that’s worth sharing.

SUNDAY: The Hermana Anderson show. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting written all by myself (and half copied from Preach My Gospel) and all in Spanish. Not sure if anyone understood what I said, but it sounded good to me :). I also had the privilege of playing accompaniment for a special musical number.

We had a lesson with a very confused man who was very frustrating. Sometimes you just wanna say, “No look you’re wrong. We’re right. I’m smart. You’re dumb. I’m big, you’re little and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Just kidding, but still.

If I were to select some of my top 5 hardest weeks in the mission, I think this would make the cut. It’s been a toughy. Not entirely sure what I’m doing wrong, but hopefully this one will be better. Elder Uceda is coming so I’m sure it will be a terrific week.

Love you all.

Miss ya too.

Wishing you a wonderful week.

Enjoy the cold for me!


Hermana Anderson

“Now for a season…ye are in heaviness through manifold trials that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold…though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory…of Jesus Christ: whom having not seen, ye love…in whom ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 1 Peter 1: 4-11

Today’s trial is tomorrow’s testimony. At times things may seem harder than we can bear, but we have the promise that we will never have to bear it alone. And in that day that we receive all the Father has prepared for us, I have confidence that we will look back and say, “Was that really all it took?” Remember that you receive not the blessings until AFTER the trial of your faith.

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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