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One week to go ... :)

Monday: We went to central Lima. Toured the Catacombs.

So cool. So cool. Ya’ll have to come see it. Dad I’m gonna need your help for this part. Bones. Bones. Human bones. Leg bones… something, something. I love dead bodies. I was un poco trista [a little sad] because I could not remember the names of anything. But hey it was a cool tour of the underground. :) Like most things in Peru however, it was not build with my height in mind. It was a nice little trip.

Tuesday: A whole lot of walking with a whole lot of nada [nothing]. Plus two tres leche :) Every cita [appointment] we had fell through. Every person we planned to visit was not home. Nor were any of the respaldas [back ups]. We even resorted to the very last option, tocar puertas [knocking on doors]. And it wasn’t that we were even rejected. Nobody was even home to slam the door. I don’t know where Lima went, but they were playing a darn good game of hide and seek. Man did my body hurt.

Wednesday: First I’d like to give a shout out to my dear Grandma Anderson who always send me letters even though I haven’t had the chance to respond to a single one. But just so you know, they are much appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Went by much faster. Visited with V. and J. V. is the funniest old man. He’s got quite the desire to learn and study the scriptures but he was telling us about how he’s a little bored of Puro Nefi [pure Nephi]. He’s a real hoot. Just wait til ya hit Alma.

We met this J. who, wow she’s great. She has such a desire to follow Christ. All of her family are some religion, but she’s looking for her own path. She really believes it’s true and wants to be baptized and everything. Only problem is that she lives with her boyfriend. Gosh darn. But she even seems willing to separate if that’s what’s right. She’s got a lot of faith. (Se llma flor)[flower Lima].

And visited with Y. and her brother J. again. Good kids. The boy is so excited to be baptized. :)

Thursday: I swear every other day is Thursday. Found 10 maggots in my broccoli.

That’s gotta be some sort of record. Met P. this 18 year old single mother. She just broke my heart. She needs some peace, my word.

We went to go visit this menos activa [less active]. She wasn’t home so we were talking with her daughter in the door for a while. Her daughter waves, so we turn around and there’s her mom who speeds by in her car when she sees us. Haha. Nice try woman!

Friday: What a very long day that I can’t at all remember. I do remember that we only saw two men peeing in the street. We saw this man who was yelling something, then we realized he was speaking English. We thought, oh great here’s my opportunity. Yeah not so. This man was from Nigeria so he didn’t really speak English or Spanish. But as I tried to speak English, Spanish kept coming out. I choked over my words like crazy. He probably doesn’t believe I speak English. Ha! Score for me. But wow. A lot harder than I thought it would be. I think I’ll just stick with Spanish for now.

We ran into Y.’s dad, M. on the way to visit Y. Man is he stubborn. He kept telling us he knows one day he’ll have to do it, but now’s not his time. Seven of his siblings and his mother are members, what are you waiting for buddy?

He told us how we illuminate the love of Christ and have this light in our eyes that’s incredible. And you can really tell that we know it’s true and want to be the best for others. Best darn compliment.

I feel like we visited 40 more people after that as well. Went on forever: P. a recent convert, the tiniest little thing who speaks a million miles a minute.; a less active “couple”. They were telling us about how the gospel has blessed their lives. The Hermana was saying how much she loved the sisterhood of the church and the love and support. But she’s afraid to go back now cause she’s afraid of being rejected. (She and her “esposo” are not married.) It doesn’t matter what others think. Repentance is always possible! And the Savior will NEVER reject you.

Saturday: Met these two men, S. and V. S. listened to the missionaries years ago. He wants to take us on a tour of Peru and invited us back for pollo ala brasa [blackened chicken] Tuesday. But hey, maybe he’ll get baptized.

Also saw the most horrifying thing in the street. There was this old man running in the tiniest spandex. My eyes! Drank papaya juice as well, almost as horrifying. Blech. Tastes like barf. I don’t remember much else.

Sunday: Sometimes I just feel so inadequate. These people have such struggles and I have no idea how to help them! Luckily I’m not alone, but still every day I realize more and more what a different work I come from.

We spent 90% of the day walking in circles. Nobody was home. Fiestas por todos los partes [something about parties :/]

We were visiting with these kids and they were talking about something I didn’t understand, so Hermana Roca was trying to explain. And this kid (9) looks at Herman Roca very concerned and whispers, “?ella no sabe nada?” [She knows nothing?] Pretty much, no. Haha,

It’s been a long week. Sorry I don’t have anything too great to share. One week til I graduate! Too bad I still don’t know anything. The mission is an adventure. Pretty sure it’s the only way to experience every emotion on the spectrum in one day. But it’s been pretty good to me. It feels like I have been here all of my life which is good and bad.

I love you all!


Hermana Anderson

This week I am going to be ponderizing Ether 12:27 [And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.] I’ve been a little overwhelmed with my weaknesses lately. I have been brought to my knees to plead for help. I know the Lord will strengthen me. What’s your verse? #Ponderize

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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