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P.S. I'm in Peru

Monday: A very exhausting P-day. In the morning we had a contacting activity. Side note: Elders walk very slow. Someone suggested it was because they don’t have to worry about unwanted attention. I just think it’s because girls are naturally faster. We ate at Chili’s for lunch. It’s interesting how what was once just a staple has become a delicacy. Best darn quesadilla I’ve ever had.

Tuesday: Quite the day actually. In the morning we visited this member, we were actually looking for his inactive son, but whatever. We were talking about his conversion and he wanted his other son to join us. (He’s like 30 something, not a member). You could just tell how much he wanted his son to realize the peace the gospel could bring how it could really change his life. But when his son entered, you could feel how much he has closed his heart to the church. He was just angry. He kept trying to find things to criticize. He really didn’t care what we had to say, “It doesn’t really matter, it's one God and just different ways to get to the same point.” He just didn’t want anything to do with something that might cause him to change his lifestyle. The whole thing just broke my heart. He was so angry, so closed. And just seeing how much it hurt his dad to see him reject what saved his life. And I couldn’t help but imagine his Heavenly Father watching us in that moment and the pain HE must have felt. I can’t even explain it. It was such a sad experience. But I’ve never felt such a power to speak. I just opened my mouth and testified of what I know. I just feel so blessed to have the knowledge and the opportunity to share it.

But don’t worry! The day took a turn for the better! We got to take A. to the temple to do baptisms for the dead!

It was a blast. We embarrassed Hma Roca all the way there on the bus. She doesn’t like it when I laugh in public, but I disagree. Missionaries should be happy.

Funniest moment of the day, A. had never used a drinking fountain before. I haven’t laughed so hard since I’ve been in the field. I wish I could describe it. Something like a dog trying to drink from a hose.

It was such a proud (in a good way) moment watching her come out of the temple. She is such a true convert. I feel so incredibly blessed to know her.

Wednesday: A very strange day. SO last week we had a lesson with this member and this old investigator just showed up. The member (this 70 something, sweetest old guy) gives him a Book of Mormon and some folletos [pamplets] and practically invited him to be baptized. He’s a funny old guy. J., the investigator, came back this week as well. We were a little late so Victor started his own lesson. We came and taught the Restoration and all, just a normal lesson. And at the end, invited him to be baptized; he said it was probably a good idea. So I invited him to be baptized this Saturday. He said, “yes”. I almost asked him again just to make sure he understood. “No, do you want to be baptized THIS SATURDAY?” Such a miracle. We literally have done next to nothing. He already had attended church , lessons, everything. We left the lesson like, “What in the world just happened? Two weeks of NOTHING and then BAM! A baptism that literally just fell into our hands.” I’ll take it :) I won’t mention the fact that he wants me to baptize him.

Thursday: Another edition of “What will the missionaries find in their soup today!?” A real good gathering today. A grand total of:

1 – strange bug

1 – piece of hair

1 – egg shell

1 – piece of Scotch tape

1 – unidentified substance

Join us for next week when the missionaries find a human finger in their rice!

Just about every cita [meeting] fell through. We decided to contact every blue door. Yeah. There are no blue doors in Lima, for future reference. But we had another miracle. We were running a little late, perhaps because I was a little busy eating the world’s greatest alfajors [sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche, a creamy caramel confection made from milk and sugar] at this less active member’s home so we needed to take a moto to the church. We climb in, like any other day, and the driver asks if we’re going to church, if we’re Mormons, what he has to do to be a member. WELL, let us just tell you, there’s this thing called BAPTISM. He was like, “Alright, that all, sounds pretty good.” So we invited him to be baptized in 3 weeks. HE ACCEPTED. Doesn’t even matter that he lives in the sector next to us. All this in literally four minutes. AND WE DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO PAY FOR OUR MOTO. That’s the real miracle folks. Gratis! [free]

Friday: A. told us about her classes in Institute. They were practicing the baptisimal invitation in her mission prep class and what to do when they say they don’t feel prepared. I was like hmm, this sounds familiar. We went through this same thing with her like three weeks ago, now look where we are . . . . . Not much else happened this day. Trying to teach Hna Roca to speak English. I don’t remember learning to speak being so difficult.

Saturday: is a special day

Notable events:

  1. I ate the world’s largest alfajor

  2. J. was baptized

Sunday: Nothing too out of the ordinary. Walked a lot, shared the gospel, got a little fatter. Had a lesson with Y. and her family. I can’t remember who I’ve told you about and who I haven’t anymore. My goodness. She’s 11 and wants to be baptized. Her dad wants her to as well (isn’t a member). But he’s a stubborn ol guy. He knows the church is true and he know he has to be baptized. Told us himself. There’s just something going on that we haven’t quite figured out yet. But don’t you worry, we’re gonna crack him like an egg and then seal them in the temple J

This has been a very strange week. I can’t describe if it’s gone by fast or slow, but it’s gone. I’m not even sure how to summarize it. Basically the gospel is true and I love it!

I LOVE YOU ALL! and miss you

Be happy

Tomorrow is a new day


Hermana Anderson

“Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have JOY” – 2 Nephi 2:25 #ponderize

Heavenly Father’s plan is a plan of happiness!

What are you going to do today to feel/find this JOY?

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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