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Two months!

Buenas Dias! Como estan?!

(Hna Roca celebrated her one year mark. Our lovely pensionista made a cake thing but "accidently" ate half of it so filled the other half with fruit)

Tuesday: As you know Satan had his go at me last week and let me tell you, he put up a darn good fight, but not good enough. I have finally come out on top. Satan: 0. Kate: 1. Take that! He was doing his best to make me feel discouraged and hopeless and lost and confused and inadequate. But there is only so much you can take of that. Now here I am, more ready than ever.

Part of the problem may have been that we weren’t doing much. Most of our time was spent wandering the streets in search of people who were not home. And I was on the breaking point, this being my first image of missionary work was a little rough. Not exactly what I signed up for.

I was praying and praying that we could be led to someone. I didn’t think I came here to walk the streets and have strange men yell at me. So I searched the carpeta some more. Usually they tell you to find the names that have a date or several attendances. But I found this one that was basically blank except for the name and address. I’m guessing ya’ll know where this is going. The Spirit is so real! and so amazing.

We went to the house on Sunday and wow. They were truly all so prepared. We met with A on Tuesday (the daughter C 22) and she shared some really cool experiences. And from what I could understand, it was a great lesson. And she committed to BAPTISM! And this is why I’m here folks! To help people enter the gate to eternal life.

The rest of the day was filled with little tender mercies to remind me the Lord has not forgotten me. He is watching over me and He will provide the way as long as I remain patient and faithful.

Part of it might have been also that we had been eating quite our fair share of postres [desserts]…so we had to make a rule that we could only eat postres when an investigator has a baptismal date. So I think the Lord knew I wouldn’t be able to survive. (The celebratory torta [cake] was delicious) J

But apparently the Lord also wanted me to learn that there must be opposition in all things. For lunch our pensionista prepared Yucama [Mexican turnip]? I think it’s called. I’ve tried really hard to have a good attitude about all things that have been thrown my way since being here, but I just really can’t about this. It smells like worms and tastes like rotting earth. I have never before tasted anything so foul. I tried just swallowing it down without chewing, worse. I almost threw up right there. Which would have been bad cause the pensionista watches us eat. But the way I look at it, if you can eat Yucama without dying, you can serve a mission.

Sorry that’s a lot for one day.

Wednesday: ELDER BEDNAR. WOW. I’m not sure what to even say about that besides WOW. Fun fact: He can smile. He encouraged us to see the eternal consequences of this work and helped us see the importance of ACTING! If your gonna pray for something you darn well better be prepared to do something to get it. And you know I was three rows from the front – smack dab in the middle, could see every gray hair. Speaking of hair! I’m losing all of mine! HOORAH. Luckily I can find solace in D&C 84:80.

Thursday: Can’t say much extra special happened. A. G. J. accepted a baptismal date as well! And Spanish is kicking my butt! Hahaha. Our pensionista weighed us all. We’re on a diet now.

(This is our "new diet". Apparently if you eat broccoli with your french fries it's healthy. Wish I would have known that earlier!")

Thank goodness! This should be interesting. When they say days feel like years, I had no idea how real that was. I really had no idea there were even so many hours in a day! And by the time the night comes, I can’t even remember the morning.

OH! Fun fact: They love listening to Wiggle!

Friday: I heard a new one today! Someone yelled, “Hey, cheesecake!” I like cheesecake too. Also our pensionista is the world’s sweetest woman. She keeps me going, that and like 40 other things.

Everybody please pray for my addiction to Peruvian tortas. (Sorry my thoughts are all over the place.) And then maybe my Spanish. I’m basically mute. Who knew it was so exhausting. It literally takes all my energy just to listen. And if there are other noises (ie BABIES CRYING!) all my focus is lost. And since I’m still in the translating stage, I can only do the first sentence and then I’m lost. So I just sit there and try to match my facial expression to their tone of voice. I’d say I’m 60% on this. It’s harder than you’d think. For example, I’ve never heard someone sound so pleased about their dead son.

Saturday: So I guess I need to learn patience…at least that is the only explanation I can think of. Thank you compañera for helping me have that experience. But I swear, if you poke me one more time, I will go all Detroit on ya. (I don’t know what that means either).

Sunday: Great day. A. came to church! Ugh. She is the best. She is so patient with me. For some reason everybody either assumes I'm fluent or mute. But she just gets me. You know, she helps me with my Spanish and everything. She has a great desire to join the church and everything.

We had a lesson with this inactive [don’t come to church] couple who want to get married in the temple. It was great! I’m always happy to talk about families casi cured.

We had lunch with the sweet woman in the ward who’s daughter is on a mission. I always love going to houses of members who have missionaries in the field. And a lesson with C. who also committed to be baptized. She wanted to know what day and what time. And I’m like, “Honey, you tell me what works for you and I’m there.”

And just like that, two months gone. I can’t say it’s gone particularly fast yet. But I’ve learned a lot and have had some incredible experiences. I feel blessed to testify of my Savior Jesus Christ. It is because of him that I am here and because of him that I continue to stand far beyond what I thought was possible.

Please know that Jesus Christ lives. He is your Savior. And in the strength of the Lord you can do ALL THINGS.

I love you all. Thank you for your support.

Much love,

Hermana Anderson

If you have any questions or want to tell me how funny I am, please let me know. I’m running out of things to share.

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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