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It's me again!

How are you all?!

Time is finally almost starting to catch up with me again. This week flew by. It feels like just yesterday I was writing you all. But it still feels like I’ve been here for an eternidad! The days are all starting to blur together though but I’ll try to keep it interesting!

So I really remember nothing from the first half of the week.

Saturday – The big day. The day I had been freaking out over for many a day. Proseletismo. But before that… In the morning Hermana Scarlett and I were asked to give a tour to a group of HEFY (Humanitarian Especially for Youth) kids. We showed them around the CCM and talked about missionary work (2 of them knew Summer). At the end they asked questions. All the girls wanted to know what it’s like and I told them it’s hard but it’s the greatest thing they could do. Then one girl looked up with tears in her eyes and said, “What advice would you give a girl trying to decide whether or not to serve?” I just wanted to give her the biggest hug (but that would have been weird cause she doesn’t even know me). I shared some of my experiences and advice with them. After I went to talk to them more. I could just see myself in them from not too long ago. Not like anyone is going to read this but, if you have a DESIRE to serve, don’t let FEAR hold you back. I almost did and that would have been such a mistake.

After the tour they let us out of the CCM. We loaded up on a bus and headed for a little chapel in Lima East. There we met up with some missionaries in the field. Hermana Scarlett and I were paired up with 2 sisters. One who had been out for 9 months and one 9 days. And then we were off to be missionaries. Like for real.

We headed down this dirt road. Dirt. Rock. Giant holes and dogs. SO MANY DOGS. I think I’ll get over my fear of dogs real quick.

But the people are so sweet and so humble. Everyone we talked to was willing to listen to us. It was kind of difficult to understand a lot of people because they don’t open their mouths. But I was able to pick up a lot. The veteran Hermana told me to knock on a door. We thought it was abandoned. But this cutest little boy came to the door. My heart. His older sister (17) came to the door and I started talking to her. We then found out that she was already a member. Haha. So we asked to come inside. We talked for a bit. She hadn’t been to church for about 2 years and her aunt’s son died about 6 days ago. (She’s living with her aunt.) It was so clear to see that she was struggling. Then the only Hermana that could really speak turned to me and said, “Hermana Anderson has a message to share with you.” Which of course I didn’t, but I really didn’t have time to panic. I thought about it for a second and shared Alma 7:11-12

(11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.)

with her and bore my testimony to her of the Atonement. The Spirit was so strong. And that was the moment everything changed for me. I knew that I was going to see a lot of poverty and I was expecting a lot of what I saw that day. But it’s so completely different when you’re creating a connection with the PEOPLE. It just becomes so much more real. Like when we walked into that house that was really more like a cave. There were no lights. It was dark and empty. One room was the “kitchen” with just a tiny wooden table. The other the “bedroom” filled with blankets where there were clearly several people sleeping, Grandparents to 3 year olds. And then to be talking to this girl…I can’t even explain it. It was such an incredible experience. I was surprised by how natural I felt. I’m excited to get out there and get to work. (Those sisters walked so slow though, ain’t gonna have any of that!)

Sunday – Gotta love them Sundays

Monday – Peruvian Independence day is 28th and 29th so we had a huge Peruvian lunch. Oh my word. I am never leaving this place. And if I do, I’ll be 400lbs and have to be airlifted outta here. It is so good. It’s true what they say. Americans eat to live, Peruvians live to eat cause it’s dang good. They say the best food in South America is in Peru! We had picarones (look it up - Picarones is a Peruvian dessert that originated in the colonial period. Its principal ingredients are squash and sweet potato. It is served in a doughnut form and covered with syrup, made from chancaca.). My life will never be the same and it’s made out of sweet potatoes so I’m pretty sure it’s healthy :) It’s like this fried dough with this sweet sauce. P E R F E C T I O N. Life is good :) except they apparently eat it with anticucha (cow heart) so I’m not super excited about that …we’ll see…

Tuesday – I love my teachers. Can I just say that?

From Kate's journal: “So here at the CCM we have investigators (our teachers) that we teach every day for a couple of weeks. Usually they are people our teachers met on their mission. My favorite investigator so far has been Ana. She was so incredibly sweet and so ready for the gospel. She was so friendly, loving and perfect. I always felt the Spirit so strongly with her and just felt such a connection to her. As she progressed I really felt like I was progressing as well. Today was our last lesson with her. Usually after we finish our teachers usually tell is the story Herman Altamirano told us that it was her story. It was so incredible. It just made it all so real. The situations that we experience with her were all so real. She told is how she knew from the first lesson and three weeks later she was baptized. Her family was not supportive of her decision at all and she really struggled with it. She had to leave a lot of her friends who were bad influences (drinking and smoking) and she felt so alone after her baptism. But she knew it would change her life so she stayed strong. Now (6 years later) lots of her family (siblings and nieces and nephews) have joined the church. One of her brothers was baptized two weeks ago. She explained how we will never really know the extent of our influence. Another cool thing she told us is that when we were teaching, many of the things we said were the exact words her missionaries told her. I’ll never be able to really describe what an amazing experience it was and how touched I was by it. She is such an example to me. I am so grateful she is our teacher. She lives in Lima Central as well so I hope to see her during the mission.”

The teaching supervisor at the CCM loves our district. He made this power point about each of our missions (only for us). It was so great. Basically, Lima Central is the best mission in the world. He also taught us how to make cuy (guinea pig).

First. You cut the neck. (He has a scar on his hand from where one bit him.)

Second. Drain blood.

Third. Remove organs (thank goodness)

Fourth. Put a rock in. (I guess cuy floats. Good to know!)

Fifth. Fry. About 10 mins

Sixth. Enjoy!

You can also bake them but he told us frying is best because the bones become kinda like French fries and you can just eat them! Sounds scrumptious, doesn’t it!? When you eat cuy you have to find the fox shaped bone on the head. Then you know you’ve mastered cuy. And there you go. Now you know. Head on over to your local Petco!

Wednesday – P-day. Living the dream! Life is great. I’m having fun, learning and growing! I’m a little scared to leave the CCM in 2 weeks. It feels kinda like leaving home again. But it’ll be great! My hand is falling asleep so I have to finish up but I love you all and miss you! Thanks for all your support!

Much love,

Hermana Anderson

and remember sometimes the things that challenge us the most, bring the most blessings.

P.S. Jacob – the mashed potatoes here are sooo good!

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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