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Ohh ohh were half way thereee ohh ohh LIVING ON A PRAYER (literally)


Que Pasa Y’all?

What a life this is. You’ll have to forgive my letter writing cause I’m still learning. So many things happen, yet nothing happens. Time doesn’t exist here.

Thursday – We talked about how we are really learning the language of the Spirit. Sometimes we think a prompting will come as an explicit answer but as we live worthy to have the Holy Ghost we will be following promptings and not even realize it until much later. Not sure if that makes sense but it was really cool.

Friday – We had a lesson with Ana. We talked about the Atonement and baptism and committed her to be baptized. Sometimes it feels so real it’s crazy. Teaching is definitely my favorite thing even if I don’t really know what is going on most of the time. But our teachers are soo good. Whenever they do examples I’m like I want to be that. Maybe in 18 months.

Saturday – Pretty much all I write about in my journal is teaching. Sorry. I just want them all to realize how much their Heavenly Father loves them and wants them to be happy. And sometimes I feel like it’s so difficult to convey especially confined to 50 words of Spanish. But when words and ideas come, it’s an amazing experience. Gift of tongues is real my friends.

Love my district.

We are always laughing. It helps the time go by. Been working on patience. We are learning Spanish from 7th grade and it usually takes 3 hours to go over the conjugation of one verb. But a little review couldn’t hurt…?

Sunday – My favorite day of the week. The Spirit is always so strong and I just sit there soaking it all up.

Monday – All Spanish - all day. I LOVE IT! Greatest language on earth. Who knew the scriptures could be such a page turner? I just want to read them all day. Somedays I just wish I could just take off my shoes or sit on a couch or lay on the floor. Oh well. Plenty of that in 18!

Tuesday – Taught our first 45 minute lesson. Just like the real deal. It was exhausting and overwhelming. I wish I could describe it. Hermana Scarlett usually doesn’t say much during lessons and she really struggled to follow. I’m failing as a companion, I know. So I pretty much talked for 45 minutes in straight Spanish. It started a little rough, but once I figured out where the Spirit was, it was great. The Spirit was guiding me in what to say and I was able to see what his needs are. He told us he didn’t feel worthy to pray and that God had given him so many chances and he just kept failing and God must have given up on him. It broke my heart. But I was able to testify that this is not true. His Heavenly Father loves him and always will and through Christ he can overcome all his weaknesses. I told him how I often feel discouraged by my own inadequacies but that Christ is the only answer. I just hope someday I’ll be able to help someone realize that.

Wednesday – We went to the temple. Today was the last day because it closes next week :( Slept for like 2 hours last night. I’m still waiting for the day (night) I can sleep through the night. I think I’m getting sick :) Sinus headache. Stuffy nose. Fun stuff.

Some other notes from the week:

I shrunk my favorite shirt. Mom, where are you when I need you? It’s alright though. I guess it’ll be perfect for clubbing when I get back.

Casino cookies – Please tell me if they have them in the US. We live off of them here.

I started reading the dictionary. I’m pretty stoked about that. We’re supposed to learn 50 words a day and I started running out of words so now I am having a grand ol time.

My wisdom teeth are coming in! Not sure what to do about that!

Something I learned about Peru, dessert is not a thing here. I guess they prefer salty food. This could be a good thing if I don’t go crazy first. For example, at dinner they usually have a strange bowl of something for “dessert”. Yesterday though… I can’t even describe. See journal entry.

Peruvian people are literally the best people on earth. The older the better, but they are so tiny.

When we leave our prison walls to go out on P-days, we cram like 40 people in a tiny public bus. We have to tilt our heads so we don’t bump the ceiling. And we pretty much break every mission rule. Elders and Hermanas have to get real “friendly”.

My hand is tired.

Being a missionary is a crazy experience. I am so blessed to have this opportunity to learn and grow closer to my Savior.

D&C 6:36 (Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.)

I LOVE YOU ALL and miss you.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for the support.


Hermana Anderson

i am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, preaching the gospel and bring others to Christ. i am serving in the Peru Lima Central Mission. these are my stories!  

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