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Biomass is a very versatile energy source. The many different sources of biomass allow multiple regions to utilize their resources to produce a clean energy and sustainable future 



The three major sources of biomass are virgin wood, energy crops and agricultural residues. Virgin wood is collected for forestry activities or from wood processing. Energy crop biomass comes from high yield crops grown specifically for energy applications, such as corn and sugar. Agricultural residue as a source of biomass is collected from residues from agriculture harvesting or processing.



The processes used to convert these resources into energy sources are combustion, gasification and pyrolysis.

Combustion is burning materials in the presence of oxygen to release heat. This can be used for space-heating, water-based district-heating, or to create steam for electricity generation. 

Gasification is when biomass is broken down into a mixture of gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is typically used for heating water in central or district heating systems, steam for electricity generation or motive force, or for transportation using an internal combustion engine.

Pyrolysis comes before combustion and gasification. It is the process of burning in the absence of oxygen. Applications of pyrolysis include co-firing for heat or power and products for gasification.



Biomass materials are usually taken from local sources and transported by railroads or trucks. Since the biomass materials are produced locally, they do not need to be transported long distances, so the environmental damage is minimal and there is a very small chance of dangerous spills. 

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